

Juan Carlos Morales
PHP contributor ,with more than 22 Pull Requests approved in the PHP project.

I remember when I first had the idea of contributing to PHP it was not entirely clear how to start.

This talk is about providing the listener with a conceptual map of the different paths a person can follow to contribute to the PHP project; with special emphasis on the contributions where you have to write code in between, such as:

  • writing PHP core QA tests
  • writing fixes to existing functionality
  • writing an RFC to add/modify/improve something that already exists in PHP.

To cover these points I will use my own contributions to the PHP project as examples, providing tips that I learned. My intention is to motivate the listener to contribute to the PHP project, and to simplify the process of doing so. \

Although the PHP code is complex, there are certain hints to understand it, which help to contribute to the project faster.I started contributing to PHP after attending the International PHP Conference in Berlin, and speaking a couple of words with Sebastian Bergmann (creator of PHPUnit) and Jose Maria Valera Reales (creator of the Phel-Lang programming language), they motivated me to immerse myself in this process and encourage me to contribute; that is what I would like to generate in the people who attend this talk.”

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